Being responsible with alcohol is more than not causing traffic accidents, not loosing your job, or gradual stress relief

I think alcoholism starts when you are so depressed that the only relief from your existential fears becomes another drink
The health effects and long term effects start way sooner, diet can fix or improve most of those. Also having other outlets for negative energy such as exercise has a lot of compounding health benefits.
As someone who thins Jung’s concept regarding philosophy is social in nature I also understand that chronic alcohol abuse can cause stress for those who perceive me as an existential relationship.
But years of doing many right things also for those I love, and those that call me their friend, and their actions made me fall into a individual rent seeking addictive pattern.
Responsible alcohol use is possible, the sugar content of the alcohol you consumer has to be accounted for. A litter of beer, or two big beers in Africa a day for instance is already to much and not something you want to do for multiple years.
If you fear one of your relations has a problem that is addictive in nature, never disregard the social dynamics cq. trauma that caused the environment for their addiction to seem rational to the addict.
Easy fixes do not last or do not work, but most people are rational, and even though they do not know today how they will keep it together. One day they will have a longer term outlook and understand that punishment or subtraction to fix passed outcomes is not the way to go forward.

Don’t drink and once sour is what your body wants, drink more water.